As you will be aware, this is a national initiative offering Bowls England affiliated clubs the opportunity to promote our welcoming and socially-distanced sport and attract new members.
We know that 20% of new bowlers join our sport on the back of open weekends, that our clubs want support to help recruit new players and that there are plenty of people out there who would love to have a go at bowls. We will be waiving 2021 affiliation fees for any brand new bowler joining a club on the back of the National Open Weekend.
Affiliated clubs who sign up will be able to access FREE resources, including bowls-specific workshops to help run a great event and grow your club. In addition, publicity material and creative resources for social media channels, websites and within your local community will be made available. It will be supported by a national marketing campaign to help raise awareness of the events across the country, and some clubs will get a visit from an England Commonwealth Games Squad bowler.
More information and registration details will be coming out very soon.
We hope this helps update you on the current position. The summer will feel a little different, as so much of life has done in recent times, but our overriding feeling is of positivity that our season will be able to start on time, that bowlers at all levels will be playing and that we will see new bowlers on our greens this summer. We thank you in advance for appreciating what we are trying to achieve and we hope we can all work together to make this a memorable season for all the right reasons.
Finally, just to reiterate, please be patient with us and your county in terms of receiving more detailed information. We want to provide this as soon as possible but government approvals have to be sought and work has to be done.
Here is the link:
Best wishes,
Matt Wordingham
Content Officer
Bowls England